Hello from Room 707 of the Embassy Suites at Stu McLaren’s Idea Incubator in Anaheim, CA, just a few blocks away from Disneyland and Downtown Disney :)
Idea Incubator At The Embassy Suites In Anaheim, CA
Idea Incubator Day One – 9:15AM (Presentation #1)
Idea Incubator Day Two – 8:45AM (Presentation #2)
With that said, I must say that the Idea Incubator was for certain the best event I could have chosen for such an occasion…
This is primarily due to the fact that the Idea Incubator has arguably one of the most involved processes for the speakers, simply because Stu McLaren strongly believes in maximizing the value for the attendees.
Not only is the Idea Incubator an intensive weekend of valuable information, but each speaker also presents not just once, but TWO times, for multiple days in content-packed 90 minute sessions.
In addition, all speakers also get together with the attendees for a night in a “roundtable” session, where small groups get the chance to personally meet and grill each speaker for 20 minutes at a time on just about anything that they want!
And considering the EXTREMELY high quality of speakers that I have the honor of sharing the stage with at the Idea Incubator, including Alex Mandossian, Armand Morin, Matt Bacak, Jermaine Griggs, Ray Edwards, Michel Fortin and Sylvie Fortin…
Well, you can just imagine the tremendous value each attendee got simply by making their trip to Anaheim this weekend!
Also, I must admit that I’ve never been to another event where even the most successful speakers stick around to network and hang out with everyone throughout most of the event.
The quality of Idea Incubator also shows with the calibur of audience just in attendance, including Frank Sousa, Dr. Mike Woo-Ming, Christina Hills, Jay Aaron, Mike Koenigs, Jose Espana, DJ Dave Bernstein, Eric Farewell, Marty Stewart, Rachel Rofe and Jaime Mintun.
You may or may not have heard of all the names I just mentioned (particularly the latter ones), but they are all good friends of mine and you’ll be hearing a lot more from them real soon (I already have some cool projects planned with most of them).
Definitely an amazing weekend at the Idea Incubator, but I’m bummed that I need to leave the event early because I am taking off for my 2 month trip to Asia tonight, so I need to go home, pack and take care of some last minute things.
However, I am very glad that I could stick around last night for not only for the round table session, but also to celebrate Stu McLaren’s birthday with his team and a few friends at Red Robins.
Stu McLaren’s Birthday Dinner With Jermaine Griggs, Brent Coppieters, Jeff France, Faye McLaren, Greg France, Rachel Rofe And Jaime Mintun
Again, this marks the end of my seminar speaking tour for a while, and since I will be out of the country, that means that I will be missing some very cool upcoming seminars, including Ken McArthur’s JV Alert Live, Howie Schwartz and Dr. Mike Woo-Ming’s Lead Supreme Workshop, Alex Mandossian’s Teleseminar Secrets Reunion, and other events organized by Armand Morin, Mark Hendricks and Frank Kern.
And even though I will be back on the circuit eventually, probably in a couple of months, I will be committing to a lot fewer of them, and my schedule will be a lot less aggressive so that I can focus on truly building my business.
I have a lot of goals regarding where I want to take my business, and after 18 months of intensive traveling and speaking, I believe it’s finally time to stir my actionable items towards that direction.