November 2005

Affiliate Bootcamp Update

The Affiliate Bootcamp sessions have been going on for a few weeks now, and there have been a lot of interesting information passed around. In addition to the regular scheduled modules, there were also a few unannounced calls. So far, we have been discussing the overview of affiliate programs, using squeeze pages, how to pick products and finding and becoming part of communities where my target markets are. There were… Read More »Affiliate Bootcamp Update

I’ve Made My First Sale!

It’s been months in the making – but I finally made my first sale on my website! WooHoo! Boy, was I stoked when I opened up my inbox to the subject: Simon Leung you’ve just made a sale! That is very exciting to see for the first time, I’ll tell you that! The guy even subscribed to my free report! This is just the beginning, my friends. Now, we’re… Read More »I’ve Made My First Sale!