July 2009

Brett McFall And Tom Hua’s World Internet Summit In Auckland, New Zealand

Hello from the Centra Hotel at Brett McFall and Tom Hua’s World Internet Summit in Auckland, New Zealand!  World Internet Summit Presentation This was my first trip to New Zealand, and I was very excited not only to speak at the World Internet Summit, but also to meet the many other experts also presenting at the event, including Dr. Mike Woo-Ming, Brian Koz, Adam Ginsberg, Sean Roach, James Schramko, Alok… Read More »Brett McFall And Tom Hua’s World Internet Summit In Auckland, New Zealand

MyGoogle Workshop In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Hello from the iTrain office at the MyGoogle Workshop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! MyGoogle Workshop Training It was very exciting to reunite with the students who signed up for the MyGoogle Workshop two weeks ago, and you can tell that they are all super stoked to attend the weekend event. Throughout the weekend, I, along with Patric Chan and David DiNucci, revealed step-by-step how to build a complete Internet business… Read More »MyGoogle Workshop In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

What Legacy Will You Leave Behind?

I’m in Thailand at the moment, but wanted to take a second out of this busy day to share something personal with you. Is that okay? Hope so… There have been a lot of influential people in my life, those who have helped me grow and become the person I am today. Whether personally or professionally, I’ve developed my skills, ambitions and even personalities because of my role models. In… Read More »What Legacy Will You Leave Behind?

MyGoogle Workshop Previews In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Hello from the Ritz Carlton Residences, where I’m staying with Patric Chan, Emily Khoo and David DiNucci in preparation for our MyGoogle Workshop previews in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  Ritz Carlton Residences in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia It’s been several months since I’ve seen Patric Chan and his beautiful wife, Emily Khoo, and each time we visit Malaysia, they never cease to amaze me how well they take care of us. Check… Read More »MyGoogle Workshop Previews In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia