July 2005

Call #8: More Salescopy

Scott sure wasn’t joking when he said that the salescopy is the most important part of the website – and he means it, too! I’ve been working on my salesletter for several weeks now, and it seems like there’s more and more to change everytime he critiques it. So Scott had more to say in regards to the various content and wording of my promotions, as well as where and… Read More »Call #8: More Salescopy

Call #7: Formatting & Content

We took about 6 weeks off to give IMC some time to recover after Corey’s tragic accident. Today, we resumed our sessions, and talked about Formatting & Content. During the last couple of weeks, I’ve been working with Scott and communicating through email regarding my salescopy. Today, we talked about actually formatting the salescopy to create even more excitement from the customers. Utilizing bold, italics, caps and even highlighting effectively… Read More »Call #7: Formatting & Content