September 2005

Mentoring Program – Final Thoughts

Over the past several months, Scott and I went over a lot of information. As I had presumed before my first session, I’m going to need to take all these resources and learn them again at my own pace. The class went by a little too fast for me, and I felt like we were always behind in terms of where I should be. However, at the end, it seemed… Read More »Mentoring Program – Final Thoughts

Call #12: Email Marketing

My last session with Scott ended this morning. It was actually a pretty short call and ended with about 30 minutes left. I guess he doesn’t have much else to teach me anymore! J/K… On our last call, we talked about email marketing. Of course, I would need to build my subscriber base first. Once my list is large enough where I can broadcast emails to them, there are a… Read More »Call #12: Email Marketing