July 2006

My Last Google Birthday

Over the last 4 years, I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with an amazing group of friends at Google. Yesterday, I celebrated my very last birthday as a Googler. As soon as I turned on my computer to start the work day, I was bombarded by Happy Birthday messages. Throughout the day, I had visitors to my office wishing me a Happy Birthday. A couple of my… Read More »My Last Google Birthday

New Ezine Launches

I was listening to Mike Filsaime’s call several days ago on Brian Edmondson’s List Profit Academy, where they discussed once again the importance of having a squeeze page to capture your visitors’ contact information. Even though I’ve heard and know this information already, the way that Mike put it really hit me in between the eyes this time. Mike told a story about how in his beginner days, he slowly discovered… Read More »New Ezine Launches

My First Internet Marketing Teleseminar Call

Earlier this afternoon, I had the opportunity to present LIVE for the very first time on a teleseminar call! It was a presentation on Google AdWords where I gave my Gold Club Team members a brief overview of Google and the AdWords product. I then proceeded to walk the team through the sign up process step-by-step and laid out the exact account set-up procedure to make an AdWords ad go… Read More »My First Internet Marketing Teleseminar Call

The 4 Week Countdown

Many things have happened in my personal and professional life within the recent months, and I’m afraid that I have been cornered into making a decision that I’m not quite sure I’m ready to make. I won’t bore you with the exact details, but the impact is so dramatic that it will result in a HUGE decision that I’m not mentally prepared for. At this point, it looks like it’s… Read More »The 4 Week Countdown