Mining Google Gold Plus Workshop In Singapore

Hello from the Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group training center in Singapore at the Mining Google Gold Plus Workshop!

mining google gold

Mining Google Gold Plus Workshop In Singapore

The Mining Google Gold Plus Workshop is a follow-up 2 day session offered by Stuart Tan and myself exclusively for our Singapore students from

If you missed out on The SMART Seminar 2008 or haven’t heard of it, be sure to stay tuned because plans are already underway for The SMART Seminar 2009, and it promises to be even bigger and more exciting than the previous one.

Getting back to the Mining Google Gold Plus Workshop, Stuart Tan and I basically gave an additional 2 days worth of content specifically about how to build an online business using Google’s products, services and business opportunities.

stuart tan

Stuart Tan And Simon Leung At Mining Google Gold Plus Workshop

simon leung

Simon Leung At The Mining Google Gold Plus Workshop

If you didn’t get the chance to join us at the Mining Google Gold Plus Workshop this weekend in Singapore, don’t worry…

That’s because the workshop’s content in its entirety will be published into a physical printed book co-authored by Stuart Tan and myself, which we will plan to release later this year.

In the meantime, you can enjoy this brief video clip recorded this weekend from the Mining Google Gold Plus Workshop about how Simon Leung and Stuart Tan met back in December 2006…