Four years ago, on April 30th, 2004, while I was still working at Google, I created my first blog.
In fact, you can read my very first post on this blog by clicking here => April 30th, 2004
Two years later almost to the day, I was presented with an opportunity to attend my very first Internet Marketing seminar.
You can read about that here => April 28th, 2006
Today, four years later, I am running my own successful Internet Marketing business, and I have been lucky enough to befriend a lot of fellow entrepreneurs in the community.
And just like most of them (if not all of them), I started my Internet Marketing business with a blog.
For the past four years, I have been consistently, tirelessly and even eagerly documenting every single step of my Internet Marketing journey…
Quite frankly, it was because I didn’t learn the secrets to Internet success overnight – and I KNEW I wouldn’t – so I wanted to record it all (for myself, so I can remember my successes and failures, but also for you, so you can learn from my positive examples as well as mistakes).
From just a general business idea that I had with a few friends while still working at Google and getting mentored by the late (and great) Corey Rudl, to attending my very first Internet Marketing seminar and continuing on to speak on stage for the very first time, it’s all there every step of the way.
You can read about how I began and went through my trials, struggles, fears and frustrations (just like everyone else), to where I am today – my victories and success stories – all documented on my blog, right here at
When you have some free time, or when you want to take a break from your work, I want to invite you to read my entire story on this website.
It’ll make you laugh; it’ll make you cry…
But more importantly, it may even be inspiring, as well as a great read, if I do say so myself ;)
What has blogging my story done for me, and why do I continue to do it after all these years?
Well, as you can see in my various posts, I am not only telling stories, but I’m also teaching and providing good information.
More importantly, I make it fun with text, photos and even videos.
These elements help attract new visitors to my blog, and keeps them coming back to read more.
What does that mean to me?
In addition to loyal readers, I get traffic, traffic and even more traffic :)
I have dozens of websites, but the one that gets the most new and returning visitors is my blog, by far!
As my reader, I want to get you to understand the importance of having your own blog.
Actually, I was talking to Sterling Valentine about this the other day on our drive to San Diego…
Your blog is your tool to not only get traffic, but to also build your relationship with your readers.
Tell them good stories, give them good content, and make it fun for them, and they will come back again and again.
Personally, I blog cuz it connects me to you, and I want you to get to know ME, and not what I’m “known as.”
Yes, my blog brands me as an expert and a speaker (which is all very cool), but I want talk to you as a friend, and I want to tell you what I’m up
by sharing my experiences with you.
That’s the kind of blog that I want to run, and that’s the kind of blog you’ll continue to get for many more years to come when you come back and visit :)
And the great thing about a blog is that it’s the fastest way to start your Internet business.
I did it in about two hours, but with the new Anik Singal and Rosalind Garner’s Blog Classroom, you can probably do it in 10 :)
Technology these days has made starting your own blog as easy as a mouse click, and all that’s left is for you to plug in a little bit of yourself
and introduce yourself to your new fans!
The Blog Classroom shows you exactly what you need to do in order to brand yourself online and tell your story.
And before you know it, you’ll be all over the Internet (trust me – it’s really cool haha).
I hope this has encouraged you to start your own blog if you haven’t already started one…
Or if you have, I hope this gives you some ideas on how you can change or move forward that gives your readers more of yourself.
By the way, attending Internet Marketing seminars is a great way to meet other entrepreneurs, and it gives you something really interesting to blog about.
You can blog about your experience, what you learned, who was there, and you can even post photos and videos, which many people enjoy.
If you are interested in attending an Internet Marketing seminar soon, some upcoming ones include Ross Goldberg’s Xtreme Business Makeover Workshop in Sarasota, FL, Ken McArthur’s JV Alert Live in Philadelphia, PA, Mark Hendrick’s Internet Superstars Conference in Baltimore, MD, and Lynn Pierce’s Women’s Business Empowerment Summit in Scottsdale, AZ.
Let me know if you’re going to be at any of them and maybe we can meet up for lunch :)