Call #9: Website Final Touches

Even though is live, I’m still making changes to it on an almost daily basis. In terms of content and formatting, there’s always something that needs to be improved.

But on today’s call, Scott talked a little more in regards to creating an autoresponder form to capture my visitors’ email addresses. I need to subscribe to an autoresponder service or install some type of form script in order to make this feature functional.

How will I get the visitors to subscribe, you ask? Well, I’m going to create a Top 10 tips special report. Yes, I’m actually going to write it myself! This is my first shot at actually creating a product of my own. So I’m definitely excited about that!

Scott also gave me some critique on my FAQ page. I agree with some of things he had to say, but not all. Nevertheless, he is my mentor, so I took his advice. I’m going to make some of these changes and upload the revised pages onto my website!