I’ve been traveling pretty aggressively for the past two years, and I can pretty much count the number of weekends I actually spent at home in 2008 with one hand.
And after spending my first weekend at home in several months, well, I’m leaving again…
This time, I’m going with Andy Huang (my apprentice turned business partner) back to Nanjing, China, to continue building our growing AdWords outsourcing team.
We have some pretty aggressive goals for the next couple of weeks, including getting the team skilled to the point where they can manage six to seven figure corporate accounts.
But before I leave and officially launch this service to the corporations out in Asia, I wanted to give *you* (as my loyal blog readers and subscribers) priority notice and access to our rigorously trained team.
(Hey, you know I’m always lookin out for you, right ;)
In fact, our team of talented college graduates were trained with the exact same systemused to train Google employees who manage now multi-million dollar accounts!
Needless to say, you’ll be in very good hands knowing that you can outsource your AdWords marketing to the very best!
We’re only taking on a limited number of beta clients at our introductory price before we launch this to thousands of prospects in Asia next week and raise the price.
If you’re interested in hiring one of our AdWords Assistants, request one ASAP along with a free consultation so you don’t miss out :)
Oh, and we’ll even talk to you on the phone first to make sure our services are right for you.
How much more can you do with your business if you can outsource the nitty gritty repetitive work of AdWords management?
Let us help ;)
Request Your FREE AdWords Consultation Today For An AdWords Assistant!