Wholesale Product Websites

I was tossing around in bed tonight and couldn’t sleep at all. I was thinking about what I could do with my Internet business. Surely there has to be something for me. The world of Internet Marketing is so vast and full of opportunities; why can’t I find my niche?

And then, I had an epiphany. I don’t even know how it came to me, but all of the sudden, it hit me – I can sell wholesale products! Of course, why didn’t I think of it sooner? Folks are making a killing off of eBay and Amazon selling products!

My sisters who live in Hong Kong actually have wholesale fashion businesses, and have been doing it for over a decade. I can learn a thing or two from them.

I jumped out of bed and turned on my laptop, and started doing a bit of research online. Product importing, it turns out, could be a hassle, especially from Asia. So it looks like I might not be able to recruit the partnership of my sisters, at least not until I can get this thing figured out.

In the meantime, I should go ahead and find some wholesale sources that are easily accessible, I thought to myself. So I continued my search…

There were a few AdWords ads that caught my eye, so I clicked on them and began reading the salesletters. I couldn’t decide between 2 different services – both of which are actually ready-made websites, complete with shopping carts and ready to take orders. It would be my very own eCommerce website, without having to build anything on my own!

Man, AdWords really does work, especially for suckers like myself. I ended up getting BOTH! I’m such an idiot, but I did it…

So here I am not, with 2 websites: www.DealClickers.com and www.ValueClickers.com. I’m going to need to register on eBay and Amazon with these names. They’re unique enough – hopefully, no one will have taken them yet.

Looks like I got myself a new business! But here’s my problem – how the heck do I promote them? Doh, I totally forgot that I shouldn’t be using PPC. So now I’m stuck with 2 websites and no way of promoting them. I guess my research continues. I’m never going to sleep…