In just a few hours, I’m going to jump on a plane and fly to Las Vegas to meet up with some good Internet Marketing buddies of mine…
You may have heard of some of them, their names are pretty big in the industry.
I’m talking about heavyweights like Mike Filsaime, Tom Beal, Rich Schefren, Jeff Walker, Sterling Valentine, Michael Cheney, Joel Comm, Donna Fox and Harris Fellman, just to name a few.
What’s it for?
Well, there is a small one-day workshop planned on Thursday, but the rest of the weekend…
…Well, we’re just going to hang out!
That’s right, I get the chance to make buddies with the industry’s best and have a great time in Las Vegas, Nevada.
How did I get the opportunity, you may ask, and how can you get the same chance?
I’ll tell you my secret, Si, no problem…
You see, what I did just within the past few months, is I learned a very important skill…a skill that eluded me for over 2 years…
That skill is the skill to play the game of Internet Marketing not just effectively, but also correctly.
Yes, there’s a right and wrong way to go about playing the Internet Marketing game.
It was not until I learned how to do it right did things begin happening to me.
I’ve now found a small piece of success online, but better yet, I’ve made some very important connections and built up a strong network of friends and partners that I will have for a very long time.
Alas, these individuals, all successful in their own rights, have gone through the similar trial and tribulations of the Internet Marketing game.
But finally, a step-by-step system on how this game works has been broken down to you…
Would you like to possibly join me and a small handful of top marketers to a trip to Vegas, or perhaps somewhere else that’s just as fun?
If so, I would urge you to first find out what the basics of the Internet Marketing game is all about.
I look forward to playing with you next time!