asia – AdWords Outsourcing Service (Free Consultation)

I’ve been traveling pretty aggressively for the past two years, and I can pretty much count the number of weekends I actually spent at home in 2008 with one hand. And after spending my first weekend at home in several months, well, I’m leaving again… This time, I’m going with Andy Huang (my apprentice turned business partner) back to Nanjing, China, to continue building our growing AdWords outsourcing team. We have… Read More » – AdWords Outsourcing Service (Free Consultation)

Internet Marketing Malaysia

Hello from the 12th floor of the luxury condominiums owned by Stuart Tan’s company at the PPDI Plaza in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! Yesterday, Stuart Tan, Edmund Loh and I embarked on a four and a half hour road trip from Singapore to visit Stuart Tan’s Malaysia office to meet his Malaysian team. We then dropped off our things at the condo and proceeded to meet some of Stuart Tan and… Read More »Internet Marketing Malaysia

Asia Trip Update From Nanjing, China

Hello from Room 1919 of the Celebrity City Hotel in Nanjing, China! During this Nanjing stop of my Asia trip, I’m actually building a virtual outsourcing team with my business partner, Andy Huang, and we have been aggressively hiring, building and training our team members during the past several days. We have a lot of exciting developments and new projects in the horizons that involves a wide variety of niches,… Read More »Asia Trip Update From Nanjing, China