
Rockies Venture Club’s 20th Annual Colorado Capital Conference

Hello from Room 1710 of the Denver Marriott City Center at the Rockies Venture Club’s 20th Annual Colorado Capital Conference in Denver, Colorado! Even though I have been speaking all around the world for over 20 months now, I’m especially excited about my appearance at the Colorado Capital Conference because it marks my first presentation on the stage as a keynote speaker. The Colorado Capital Conference is the Rockies Venture… Read More »Rockies Venture Club’s 20th Annual Colorado Capital Conference

Rex Wisehart’s The Capital Factor In Denver, Colorado

Hello from Room 744 of the Renaissance Hotels and Resorts at Rex Wisehart’s The Capital Factor in Denver, Colorado! Setting Up My Presentation With The Help Of Rex Wisehart And Rick Raddatz (At Least I Think That’s What We’re Doing Haha)  As you may already know, I had spent over half of 2008 thus far in Asia to work on various projects to expand my business overseas. However, what you may not… Read More »Rex Wisehart’s The Capital Factor In Denver, Colorado