Please Send Get Well Wishes for Jason Oman

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As you may or may not have heard, my very good friend, brilliant marketer and #1 best selling author of “Conversations with Millionaires,” Jason Oman, recently experienced a brain aneurysm, and is currently awaiting major surgery at an Atlanta hospital.

jason oman 

Simon Leung and Jason Oman

This news came as a shock to me particularly because I had spoken to Jason as recently as last week, when he gave me a testimonial for my new book, and we discussed cross promotions for a live event, something we had talked about doing for almost a year and a half now.

And then, just a few short days later, Jason faces a life threatening operation that only gives him a 30% chance of a full recovery.

As soon as I found out the alarming news, I immediately sent out personal requests for thoughts and prayers to keep Jason strong as he layed unconscious in his hospital bed, possibly not even aware of what had happened to him.

I now believe more than ever the power of love and prayers because within just hours of the email and receiving dozens of responses of well wishes from all around the world, I received news that Jason has regained consciousness!

This is extremely good news because Jason has become a very close friend since I met him at my very first Internet Marketing seminar while I was still working at Google, and played a huge role in helping me jumpstart my business when I finally went out on my own.

Jason is only 34 years old – Even though he is very young, he has achieved a lot, helped tons of people and still has a lot more to give, and perhaps he will play a big role in your life in the future as well (if he hasn’t already).

That’s why now more than ever, Jason needs your love and support, and if you pray, please continue the prayers for him.

I’m planning to visit Jason in Atlanta next week, and I’m sure he will be happy to know about the love and support he has from friends he knows and even those he has yet to meet.

When I see him, I will give him a card filled with personal messages and get-well wishes, and would love to include yours.

Please take one minute of your time right now to leave your comment below (and tell your friends to do the same), and I will personally make sure that your message is included in the card.

The outpouring of response has been nothing short of amazing – Thank you to each and every one of you for your continued love and support, and please remember to leave Jason and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

We will put up a website soon so people can get updates on how Jason is doing.

In the meantime, be sure to take a moment to appreciate every day, because not any one of us is guaranteed a tomorrow on this planet.

In fact, I was talking to Mark Joyner and Declan Dunn yesterday as they recalled the moment they found out that their friend and pioneer marketing legend, Corey Rudl, passed away a couple years ago, and something like this really puts all our personal problems and frustrations into proper perspective.

I’m taking the rest of the weekend off to spend some quality time with my family – I encourage you to do the same.

Don’t forget to tell those you care about that you love them, and live each day like it’s your last.

Please Click Here To Leave Your Get Well Message For Jason Oman