I just came back from lunch with my girlfriend and her female colleague.
We had a very interesting conversation about the topic of shopping, and how they are leaving work early tonight (again) to go to the mall.
To be completely honest, I don’t usually listen to what they have to say…
…but this particular chat really intrigued me because as a marketer, I’m always trying to find new ways to market products.
What kind of marketing is so effective that it draws women (particularly the two who apparently are more hungry about the items at the mall than the delicious food in front of them) back again and again?
Well, we didn’t exactly figure out the answer, but something we did note was that everywhere you turn online, it’s all about “masculine” words and colors…
Headlines on websites use terms like “Annihilate,” “Dominate,” “Crush,” and other similar words.
So after I got home, I started doing some research and you’re not going to believe what I found…
Up to 85% of the people who are spending money online are WOMEN!
But this lead me to another problem (and I know I’m not alone on this one, GUYS…)
I’ve been surrounded by women figures my whole life and tend to feel that I do ‘understand’ them (if there is such a thing), at least more than most guys…
However, I STILL don’t know what they want (which I guess is the eternal question)…
I was talking about this frustration to two of my good friends, Sam Heyer and Donna Fox, and Donna immediately answered back…
“Well, do you wanna know my frustration?”
A little caught off guard, we said, “Yes”…
Donna expressed that she was upset that all the seminars you go to are all male speakers and how the real money is selling to women…
That didn’t really answer my question, but what she proposed to us afterwards did…
Donna is hosting a seminar of expert women speakers, marketers, success coaches, entrepreneurs and all around brilliant women to teach both men and women HOW to sell to more of a women audience and ultimately increase your bottom line.
The event is being held in Los Angeles, CA, on the weekend of February 9th.
And because Sam and I are such good friends with Donna, she has agreed to give away some tickets for our friends only for practically nothing!
They have an awesome exclusive offer going on (at an INSANE discount), and it covers 9 full meals plus some great bonuses.
So if you’re interested in taking your business to a whole new level and expanding your market reach, then this is the event to be at…
Sam and I will be there, and we hope to be able to meet and network with you as well.
With the speaker lineup they have, we’re going to be in the front row with a notepad and pen taking tons of notes…
And if you’d like to meet and chat for a bit, definitely let us know if there’s anything we can help you out with on your business and just have a good time!
Let’s make 2007 the year you crank things up!
Do let us know if you’d like to meet up – Sam and I would very much like to meet and talk to you in person!
And if you book fast, you can still get the room rate of $129 a night… but I don’t know how many are left so you’re going to want to act fast!