John Delavera’s Turbo Seminar in Las Vegas, Nevada

Hello from the Monte Carlo Hotel and Casino at John Delavera’s Turbo Seminar in Las Vegas, Nevada!

turbo seminar

Simon Leung at Turbo Seminar

The Turbo Seminar is my last speaking engagement in the United States before I leave for Asia again for a series of events and projects in Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand and China.

In fact, I’m flying out to Jakarta tomorrow for the first of these projects, which means that I could not stay in Vegas for the remaining of the Turbo Seminar.

If I didn’t have to catch that flight tomorrow, it would have been fun to stay in Vegas for another night or two to hang out with the fellow Turbo Seminar speakers and VIPs, including Mark Joyner, Joe Sugarman, Glenn Dietzel, Lee Collins, Warren Whitlock, Susan Preston, Donna Fox, Morgan Westerman, Andy Huang, James Lee, Warren Yip, Chuck Mullaney, Greg Mulac and Stephanie Mulac.

Even though I was only in town for a couple of days, I still got a lot out of the Turbo Seminar not only from the presentations, but also the networking with the audience, as well as the opportunity to hang out with the experts and get to know them better.

Thanks for John Delavera for putting on the Turbo Seminar, and I can’t wait to come back to Vegas again sometime after my Asia trip for another fun event.