Today, August 5th, 2006, is my “Freedom Day.” Coincidentally, it also marks the 4 year anniversary of the day I was officially hired as a full-time employee at Google.
I have been waiting for a very long time for this day. Not only does it mean a milestone in my career, but it also marks my end date working for the world’s best search engine.
Yes, it has been an amazing run indeed. The world’s best search engine has also been the world’s best roller coaster ride. There has definitely been its share of ups and downs. But ultimately, I do love this company. I’ve met some of my best friends here, and I’ve shared tons of memories. And above all, without Google, I would not be in the position I am today.
There has been a string events both personally and professionally that’s led me to my decision for this day. And quite frankly, I can’t be 100% positive that this is the right decision for me, at least not at this time.
However, doing so will give me the opportunity to pursue my dream of becoming a full-time Internet Marketer, which has been something that I’ve been wanting to do for a very long time. Unfortunately, it would have required extreme caution on my end because diving full steam ahead into such a business runs a high conflict of interest risk with my employment at Google.
As such, I have always been reserved with what I should and shouldn’t do.
Even though I will miss the company and the people, I definitely see this time now as a whole new beginning for me. My loss of one opportunity is the rise of another, and I honestly believe that each string of event that has happened over the past several months has happened for a reason.
Without anything to hold me back now, I will indeed dive full steam ahead into my next new venture. Today is my Freedom Day! My time is NOW!