
Internet Marketing Insider Secrets in Jakarta, Indonesia

This weekend marks the exciting launch of a new era with Internet Marketing Insider Secrets (IMIS) in Jakarta, Indonesia. Even though I have been periodically conducting Internet Marketing trainings in various countries over the past several years, Internet Marketing Insider Secrets is a completely new and rebranded course which combines some of the best strategies to make money online. In fact, not only is it comprehensive in nature, IMIS also… Read More »Internet Marketing Insider Secrets in Jakarta, Indonesia

How To Have A Truly Happy 2015

Every 365 days on this special occasion, we would wish one another “Happy New Year!” – But, how many of us can say that we are truly happy? There’s no doubt that New Year’s resolutions serve an important purpose in our own motivation to welcome in a new era. But without a clear reflection of the previous year and all the years before, most people inevitably create resolutions so specific,… Read More »How To Have A Truly Happy 2015

Rockstar Platinum Live Marketing Show in Las Vegas, NV

Hello from the Parthenon One Ballroom of the Alexis Park Resort at the world debut of the Rockstar Platinum Live marketing show in Las Vegas, Nevada! Rockstar Platinum Live Promoters On UStream – Simon Leung, Lee Collins & Robin Collins That’s right – after months of anticipation, the premiere of Rockstar Platinum Live kicked off its tour with the marketing show edition in front of fans who traveled from all around the… Read More »Rockstar Platinum Live Marketing Show in Las Vegas, NV

Marketing Experience Video From Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Hello from Room 310 of the Liberty One Hotel in Ho Chi Minh City of Saigon, Vietnam! I’m currently in a rush to head to the airport as I have to travel to Singapore, Malaysia and Australia all within the next several days or so… But before I go, I wanted to share with you a marketing experience video I recorded today about local competition and how you can compete… Read More »Marketing Experience Video From Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

My AdWords Preview Seminars In Penang, Malaysia

Hello from Room 2907 of The Northam All Suite hotel in Penang, Malaysia, where we have just completed our free preview seminars for the My AdWordsInternet Marketing Workshop. My AdWords Free Preview Seminar The My AdWords Workshop is my first official partnership with local Penang native and fellow Internet Marketer, Patric Chan, and the exciting thing is that we already have several more upcoming events in the plans, where we will… Read More »My AdWords Preview Seminars In Penang, Malaysia

Social Media Simplified in Ventura, California

Hello from Ventura Technology Development Center on the filming set of theSocial Media Simplified Web 2.0 Master Class in Ventura, CA! Social Media Simplified Presenters Mari Smith, Deborah Micek, Linda Taylor, Denise Wakeman, Simon Leung And Nancy Marmolejo Even though I only had one hour of sleep that I snuck in during my 6am flight from San Jose to Ontario, I was too excited to be tired as my partner Andy… Read More »Social Media Simplified in Ventura, California Live Show With Alejandro Reyes

Last night, I was a special guest on, a live streaming show hosted by my very good friend, Alejandro Reyes. For those of you who don’t know Alejandro Reyes, he was my right hand guy for a while as my lead apprentice, later on became my Operations Manager and Relationship Specialist, and now a business partner and respected colleague. I won’t go into all the details about how we met… Read More » Live Show With Alejandro Reyes

Three Sides Of Traffic Workshop In Long Island, NY

Hello from Room 345 of the Long Island/Huntington Hilton at the Three Sides of Traffic workshop in Long Island, New York! Howie Schwartz, Ross Goldberg And Simon Leung At Three Sides Of Traffic The Three Sides of Traffic workshop is a sequel to the Two Sides of Traffic workshop I did with Howie Schwartz last December in San Diego, CA. This time, we were joined by our good friend and fellow traffic generation expert,… Read More »Three Sides Of Traffic Workshop In Long Island, NY

Internet Marketing Malaysia

Hello from the 12th floor of the luxury condominiums owned by Stuart Tan’s company at the PPDI Plaza in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! Yesterday, Stuart Tan, Edmund Loh and I embarked on a four and a half hour road trip from Singapore to visit Stuart Tan’s Malaysia office to meet his Malaysian team. We then dropped off our things at the condo and proceeded to meet some of Stuart Tan and… Read More »Internet Marketing Malaysia

Networking Dinner in Los Angeles, CA

Hello from Gate 7 of the Southwest Terminal at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in Los Angeles, CA! I just said bade farewell here at the gate with Alejandro Reyes, my former apprentice turned Operations Manager turned business partner. We were in Los Angeles for the day on business, and decided last minute that we would organize a networking dinner in LA before we went home. Collectively, we have lots of friends… Read More »Networking Dinner in Los Angeles, CA

Joel Comm Live In Loveland, Colorado

Hello from Joel Comm’s exquisitely decorated guest room at his gigantic beautiful house in Loveland, Colorado! Simon Leung Setting Up His Workspace In Joel Comm’s Guestroom After arriving into the Denver airport, I was delighted to be greeted by a towncar Joel Comm had sent to pick me up. The ride was about 45 minutes to Joel Comm’s house, where I met his wife, Mary, and his kids, Zach and… Read More »Joel Comm Live In Loveland, Colorado

Harris Fellman’s Launch Masters Retreat 2008 In Scottsdale, AZ

Hello from Harris Fellman’s beautiful home at the Launch Masters Retreat 2008 in Scottsdale, Arizona!  Simon Leung And Harris Fellman I just spent an extremely fun and productive weekend at Harris Fellman’s house to mastermind with my fellow marketing friends Ross Goldberg, Paulie Sabol, Dr. Mike Woo Ming, Sam Heyer, Robert Puddy, Folusho Orokunle, Greg and Stephanie Mulac, Barbara Drazga, Dave Bernstein, Valerie Dawson, Lynn Pierce, Tracy Repchuck, Kathleen Donaghy and a few other entrepreneurs… Read More »Harris Fellman’s Launch Masters Retreat 2008 In Scottsdale, AZ